My response to Ms. Saunders: Nudity only becomes inappropriate when you are taught that it is. There is nothing indecent or inappropriate with the human body. It does not hurt anyone. It is, after all, what makes us human. If people are so disturbed by the nudity of others, I suggest they examine their own body issues. Indecency, obscenity, and inappropriateness rests in your mind, not in my body.

As usual Woody you are right one. The body is not obscene or indecent. Only the mind is. Love the total body and all actions of the body.
Good for you, my friend!
"There is a line between being tolerant and having no standards whatsoever..."
It's good of you, Ms. Saunders, to reveal yourself right off as someone who regards tolerance as a prat fall on the slippery slope to "no standards whatsoever." Pity you're not quite so forthcoming about the implicit assumption that decline moves from right to left as well, but then it's clear from your writing that emotionalism propaganda, not reasoned argument, is your forte.
In fact, tolerance _is_ a standard, and one you've sadly failed to meet. You cite your squeamishness, belittle elected officials for quoting law and not kowtowing to prejudice, and attempt to conflate the legal behavior of productive citizens with the sad, deranged antics of the mentally ill. At no point do you even attempt to develop an argument or in any way demonstrate how the sight of the human body is in any way injurious to the "social fabric."
Finally, you flirt with body fascism (this is California, after all) and shriek "save the children," the perpetual battle cry of those who hide behind political correctness while scoffing at it. (In America, one must never, ever question what it is we're allegedly saving the children from.)
It's a shame your punultimate statement fails to be as direct as your first, merely due to a vocabulary problem. Perhaps I can help…
"Public nudity involves a lack of shame so blatant that it impinges upon the shame of others."
Ms. Saunders, you have a right to live in shame, but you have no right to insist that others follow your miserable example.
While the media continues to pimp out us nudists to gain attention for themselves, I'm still wondering why the District 8 Supervisor thinks it's okay to waste scarce city resources to work out his dirty butthole issues in public. Who exactly is the real exhibitionist in this equation?
Of course you are right Woody, shame only exists in the minds of those who equate the natural body as something to be avoided at all costs!
Keep up the good work,wish I could join you but I'm 4000 miles away!
Here's your national news link:
Here, here you tell 'em Woody!
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